2 Deysbrook Way, West Derby, Liverpool, England, L12 4XF (Show me directions) Show Map
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Monday to Friday: 08:00 to 18:00 , Saturday to Sunday: Closed
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About Us
Before your child officially starts at our nursery they take part in settling in sessions. These help the child to settle into nursery and provide time for parents to share information. It depends on each individual child as how many settling in sessions are needed.
On the second visit a starting point form is completed with the parent. This enables the staff to see where the child is up to in their development.
Approximately six weeks after a child has joined our nursery, the key person will complete a baseline assessment, this includes all the areas of Development Matters Framework.
The progress of all children in our care is monitored and recorded, this is reviewed regularly and shared with the parents, we work alongside them during transition to find out children's starting points on entry. Observing and tracking is linked to the Early Years Foundation stage, parents are included and we value their opinions.
2 year old children receive a 2 year assessment check by their key person. This is shared with parents and with their agreement it is also shared with the health vistor.
Our rooms offer continuous provision and staff plan daily activities to support children's individual interests.
We work closely with many outside agencies some of these include; speech and language therapist, Educational Physiologist, SENISS and the Local Authority.
Each room has full access to an outdoor area, which is equipped with all areas of learning.
Children are supported by staff in their transition on an individual basis. We work closely with local schools during the transition period and we invite teachers in to talk to the children. We also invite children who previously attended the nursery to talk about thier primary school.
We consult with parents daily and we also send out questionnaires for feedback of thier experience at Deysbrook Day Nursery.
Parents attend regular meetings in nursery to discuss their child's development. Parents can speak to their child's key person at any time.